Dive Into A Dimension of Health
Honu Touch Massage Therapy PLLC - Logo
Serving Clinton, New Hartford, Utica,  and the surrounding areas
22 College St., Clinton, NY 13323
(315) 269-4047
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Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release

- Locally Owned
- State Licensed
- Free Parking

(315) 269-4047
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John Barnes, PT Approach

A highly effective modality that addresses the connective tissue (fascia) of the body. This extensive intelligent system is often overlooked by the majority of the medical community. With the incredible tensile strength, restricted fascia can exert up to 2,000 pounds of pressure per square inch on body structures.

This safe technique allows the tissues to release restrictions resulting in increased range of motion, increased circulation, decreased inflammation, and decreased pain.

Conditions Treated Include:

  • Neck and back pain
  • Headaches
  • TMJ syndrome
  • Post-surgical pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Adhesions


Dive Into A New Dimension of Health

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Connective tissue
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